Villa Calangute
Bespoke Concierge Service Bespoke Concierge Service
Over 21 Years Experience
Over 12 Years Experience
Local Knowledge Local Knowledge
Personally Chosen Properties
Personally Chosen Properties
Daily Housekeeping Service Daily Housekeeping Service
Award Winning Villas Award Winning Villas
Feel Like Home Feel Like Home
Secure Payments Secure Payments
2,00,000+ Happy Customers 2,00,000+ Happy Customers
Personal Swimming Pools Swimming Pools
Car Rental Service Car Rental Service
Kid Friendly Villas Kids Friendly

According to TripAdvisor, Airbnb, Facebook & Google - 100% of our guests would stay again & have given us an average rating of 4.8/5     .
Join the crowd. Book your holiday with confidence & without surprises.


Our Villas in Calangute is located in the heart of Goa. They are the perfect backdrop for your next beach holiday.

Our extensive local knowledge ensures that when you step out of our cocooned paradise to explore Goa’s rich diversity, you’ll enjoy the best authentic sights, flavours and experiences. Our small team have been carefully chosen for their personal attributes, warm personalities and extensive local knowledge. We are committed to helping all our clients create their dream holiday with our exclusive range of breathtakingly properties. The Villa Calangute Team is always on hand to help and advice on all matters - from trips and excursions/ where to buy things/ medical or anything that needs dealing with!

Our stunning portfolio of luxury villas and hotel rooms are centrally located, close to all the local hotspots, clubs, restaurants, bars, museums, ATMs, hospital, supermarkets, shops and beaches ideal for water sports. All our properties are within 2-12 minutes walking distance from the beach. We have a vast choice of properties in terms of location, size and amenities. With lavish views, large pools, and decor that reflects the heart of the Goa– all of the necessities needed for experiencing the Goan Susegad (quiet & laid back) lifestyle are at your fingertips.

In this demanding age for quality, our guest accommodation has been the focus of much effort to ensure that all our residents enjoy the finest of modern day necessities as well as providing the highest in bedroom comforts. Our rooms are stylish, spotless, large and airy, ideal for those wishing to host a vibrant gathering or looking for a romantic getaway. As a guest at Villa Calangute, you will be able to enjoy home-from-home in a hot and sunny location, making it the perfect holiday for couples, families or groups. From the stunning views offered in our resort to the very best beaches in Calangute and Candolim, you are guaranteed a holiday to remember.

We want you to leave Villa Calangute with a treasure trove of memories. We want you to feel like you’re leaving good friends behind – friends who have enhanced your holiday with unbelievable service and in-depth local knowledge. And like with all good friends, you’ll want to visit again and again.

No matter which property you choose today, you are guaranteed to create happy memories to last a lifetime. Why not check in, relax and discover Goa with us…

Contact us to find out more about our wide selection of Goa villa rentals and properties.

Why stay in a small hotel room, when you could enjoy the space, privacy and luxury of a villa, all within the same budget? Upgrade your holiday and spoil yourself at one of our self catered villas.

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